Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

Dying to Live or Living to Die?

2ndTimothy 2:11-12: “For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him. If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He also will deny us.”

Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. I love Wednesdays! Not only because it’s halfway through another week, but it’s our time to really dig into a meal of scripture to apply in our lives. When it comes down to it, the best things learned in life are found in these pages written long ago and still so very relevant today. Grab your coffee and your strand of faith and let’s go ties some knots together.

Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m dying to go…” or, “I’m dying to do…”? I know I’ve used that phrase many times, and probably too many to count.  Life is full of pleasures that we say “we would die” for, and yet, would we?

A couple of weeks ago in our Trench Class, we were having a group discussion about despair, which can be as a result of putting our hope in the wrong things/people, and how we can unknowingly become angry with God. Doing as many of these classes as I have, it takes a lot to startle me, or surprise me, but this particular night, one of our transforming men said something that startled, surprised and saddened me. He said “God didn’t give me what I wanted,” and this was one of the reasons for his current despair. 

My first response was: “Our God is not a genie in a bottle but a loving Father and when He doesn’t give us what we want, it’s usually for our good, but that is a tough truth to swallow if you don’t know what you believe or who you believe in.”

I then went on to make an announcement to this class of mixed beliefs. I said: This life that we’re living is temporary, a place where we are to be exercising spiritually to prepare for our final destination, a sort of dress-rehearsal for the real thing.” I then added, “I know that’s hard for some of you to believe especially if you are mad at God, or don’t know what you believe about God, but one day we’ll have to come to terms with the reality of eternity and where we’ll spend it.” I then asked: “Are you living to die, or dying to live?”

But even days after class, his transparency was speaking to me, because if he feels that way, I just know there are so many more out there that feel the same way. And then I came across this portion of scripture while studying something entirely different! I just love how He reaffirms us, confirms His truths for us to share with others.

See, if we died with Him, meaning we crucify our own desires, our own selfishness, our own agenda daily then we are living to die! But if we are simply living for the moment, for our own desires, for our next new car, better job, the latest in fashion and jewelry, a better relationship, or for the possibility of changing someone else, or all for our children, or for our spouse, then we are living to die!

Perhaps all you need to do is shake up those priorities a bit, put them in the right order so you may answer I’m dying to live…eternally with the One Who rights all wrongs, the One Who will never leave me or forsake me. Eternity is a reality!

Eternally minded,

P.S. Join me for Coffee Hour Live tomorrow at 10:00 PST @

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