Thursday, September 21, 2017

Tam’s Trench Truth

Hello and welcome back to Thursday’s Trench Truth.

Forgive me if I keep this one a little shorter than I usually do. I attended a class reunion and have been sick ever since. I can’t wait to share about that when I feel better, but for now, I'd like to share with you about something I am most thankful for in this life, something that has worked like glue and has held me through the hardships and heartbreaks of life, Music!

Music: A Gift from Above

It's not that music always has an innate ability to heal me... but it surely has had the ability to invade me. Its power within me jumps on the swing-sets of my soul, and rocks the teeter-totter of dreams within my mind. Each and every step of the ladder is a gift where it brings me back to the place I stood as a child so long ago... Atop the slide where I can see all the rhythmical beats of my heart... still sliding... still beating the drum of life, still thanking my Higher Power for an ever-widening range and breaths of life.

I leave you with this truth and question: Music has a significant power; what does it do for you?  

Much Love to all of you as always!

~John Tam

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