Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March WOW: The First Course

Tasty Words
Colossians 4:6
Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.
EL pen Logo with heart
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Welcome to Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power! I can’t believe we are already marching into March and our new WOW (Words of Wisdom & Weapons of Warfare)! Grab your coffee and come with me to the kitchen.

Have you ever made popcorn and then thrown in some chocolate chips, or some M&Ms? For some of you, that may be old news but it hasn’t been that long ago when someone told me to try that combination for the first time. I looked at them as though they were crazy. But when I actually tried it, oh, my goodness! It was like my taste buds burst with gladness over the combination of salty and sweet! But the balance has to be just right in order to achieve that taste-bud explosion that feels so good all the way down to the tummy.

I don’t know about you, but for me, texture is another important factor, though, so it’s not like I can just combine anything salty and anything sweet and experience that same ah-ha sensation. For instance, French fries and milkshakes doesn’t do it for me; in fact, I cringe when I think about that combination. Apple pie and cheese sort of makes my tummy queasy, though I can munch on a bite of apple and chase it with a piece of string cheese and enjoy it. It’s just not the same type of taste-bud explosion as the chocolate and popcorn combo!

As we get older, we are told to stay away from the salt – I can almost hear myself saying it in that ominous tone while holding my fingers in the shape of an X indicating the danger! But don’t you just love salt on cantaloupe, or honey dew melon. Again, the first time I tried that combination, I was shocked at the result: the salt made the fruit sweeter! And despite the warning about salt, I find the older I get, the more I crave both salt and sugar!

The more I read the Scriptures, the more I realize just how much He loves us, and how he foreknew us as His children, and every little thing about us: From our pet peeves, to and through our flaws, in our physical and emotional desires, and to our spiritual needs, He is there to meet us right where we are, and He even uses food to teach us!

Join me tomorrow for some tasty words!

2014 Headshot

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