Monday, December 7, 2015

Jenn’s Journey

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Hi friends. Happy December! Can you believe it's that time of year already? I've been enjoying the cooler weather, and looking forward to celebrating the holidays. For some reason, this year it seems extra important to remember what this season is really about. Thank you for joining me today.

Two days ago, our community was rocked by a mass shooting. Though no town is immune, it's easy to feel safe until it comes close to home. This was one more reminder of how things can change in an instant.

My daughter was at school, and I was on my way to work when the news of the tragedy hit. Instantly, all I wished for was to be with my daughter, and to hold her close. At no time were either of us in immediate danger, and I thank God for that. However, it's at these moments when you realize what matters most. I wished to be with my family, my boyfriend and all those I hold dear. I can only imagine the feelings of those facing the shooters, and those who lost loved ones in the tragedy. My heart is heavy for those families.

I was struck with immediate fear. The fear became more intense when we learned that the house of the shooters is one half mile from my daughter's school, and that the police shot and killed them one mile from our house! Talk about too close for comfort. Fear is a funny thing. Ever notice how it can grow in the dark, in the wee hours of the morning? Or how fearful thoughts have the domino effect? I have fought fear my whole life...which is at odds with the Bible verses I've learned about NOT fearing. Do you know that "Do not be afraid" or some version thereof is mentioned in the Bible 365 times? One for each day of the year! I guess God knew that fear is a very human emotion, one that we will struggle with consistently while here on earth.

Think about how often we are hit with things TO fear. Terrorism, shootings, global warming, home invasions, not having enough money to cover the bills, illnesses, bullying…the list goes on. Even in religious circles, there is fear of not living up to rules, fear of God's punishment, or not being saved. God's ways are always counter-culture, and living fearlessly is no exception.

I have a favorite quote which says "Courage is fear that has said its prayers". I have to wonder if this is the secret. Does prayer help us move forward in spite of fear? Does living close to God give us courage?

As we enter the Christmas season, remember the words spoken to the shepherds, "But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.…" Luke 2:10, 11. He knows there is a thief trying to steal our joy and to have us cowering in fear, so He came to deliver us. Let's not forget this!!!

Until next week, be blessed,


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