Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3rd, 2013

A Promise is a Promise… Only if it’s Kept! from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power…
EL pen Logo with heart
2 Peter 1:3-4
His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

Thanks so much for joining me for a little coffee break. It’s that time of the month again, time for our WOW, words of wisdom that we can use as weapons of warfare! Grab your coffee and come on in.
Have you ever been the recipient of a broken promise? Or have you ever made a promise that you couldn’t keep? Well, the other day, I was having a Twitterversation (ha, that’s conversation on Twitter!) with someone out in Twitterverse and she made a statement that really pricked at my heart and grabbed my attention. She said, “I guess they were just broken promises.” I tweeted back, “A promise is a promise, only if it’s kept; He never breaks His promises.”
Well, the whole promise thing has intrigued me since then and that word keeps coming to the forefront of my thoughts, occupying an awful lot of space in my head. I mean, even our little three-year-old grandson uses this word! (I love how he says it: “I pwomise, Nana.”) Where in the world did he learn it?
The Word-The Promise!
The Word-The Promise!
Why do we promise? What does it mean to promise? Somehow, it’s lost its solemnity because of its overuse. I know just a couple weeks ago, I broke a “pinkie promise”! I had promised my hair stylist I wouldn’t take the scissors to my bangs, ever, but would come in when they were driving me up a wall and let him trim them. Well, right after a haircut, I didn’t have the courage to tell him I didn’t like the sides; they were too long and the picture I showed him showed the cut without sideburns! Two days after my haircut, I took the scissors and cut them almost completely off, not quite like the picture! I didn’t do that bad of a job, but I know when I go in he will be able to tell and the truth will have to be told; that I broke our pinkie promise! I should have just been honest in the first place.
Now while that’s a small issue, it still involves the same principle: a promise. The word continued to echo throughout my days and my perplexity rose to a level I couldn’t ignore when I was reviewing a Bible study I did last year on the subject of joy by Kay Warren and she was sharing about God’s loving ways through scripture. She quoted Psalm 145:13, the NIV translation which says: “The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving to all He has made.” Hmm, hadn’t I just tweeted something like that? But when I looked it up in the NKJV – and this is where the perplexity comes — I literally shook my head because it didn’t say the same thing. Seriously, I read it at least five times, looked at the address to confirm I was in the right place, even began to question my vision because Psalm 145:13 in NKJV says: Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion (realm, rule, power) endures throughout all generations.
I wondered why the discrepancy? Oh, I’m so thankful for my innate curious nature which inspires me to go off and dig into the scriptures! I found a footnote in the Blue Letter Bible online which says: Following Masoretic Text (which is the authoritative Hebrew text of the Jewish Bible) and Targum (which are the spoken paraphrases, explanations and expansions of the Jewish scriptures given by a Rabi), the Dead Sea Scrolls, Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate add The LORD is faithful in all His words, And holy in all His works.
Those are some strong authorities that line up with many other scriptures about promises which we will explore in our next few coffee hours, but for now, look at the last sentence and may its truth, that God is faithful to keep His promises, begin to resonate in your heart. When we take Him at His word, in other words claim His promises in our life, I can’t help but wonder, would we live it differently?
Take a minute or two and reflect on our WOW and when I finally explain why I chose this one, I pray you will experience an aha moment, too!
Join me tomorrow for more!
Wrapped in His promises,
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