Friday, March 3, 2017

Faith-filled Friday!

Hello everyone, welcome back to another Faith Filled Friday. Isn’t it amazing, the amount of rain we have received, especially after several years of drought? It has really made me stop and think about how God has not forgotten us. The rain has given us one less thing to worry about, at least for now. And yet, with the rain has come other concerns that we need to pray for: Failing damn spillways and levees is of major concern. To think 200,000 people evacuated downstream from the Lake Oroville Dam. It's really made me stop and think how we are truly always in need of not only God's love but of His strength.

The other day I caught myself thinking about how many prayers I have had over my life thus far, all of the different types of situations which involve people, animals, safety, refuge and even those prayers of  thanks I have prayed over the years. As much as it seems that I have prayed about many things, I have not prayed nearly enough. "Just what is prayer?" Asking myself that question really brought an understanding of just how special it really is. It is a way we give thanks, show appreciation, ask for help for others and for ourselves. It brings waves of wisdom and knowledge. But most of all I think it helps encapsulate just how special the love from God is. To love a God that loves us unconditionally, oh what a feeling! Whether we have much or we have little, we can pray for just anything. 

When I was homeless, I remember praying to God for warmth and dryness, for food and a place to shower. Half the time I was praying to God while crying. To be so exposed like that, to feel what would happen from one moment to the next, to wonder what will become of me. I remember praying to God to help me find a place where I could hide. It wasn't that I just wanted some security, but I was also embarrassed for I was in a small town where everyone knew everyone. Somehow I made it through that. One of the  most painful seasons in my life, and yet, there were windows of beauty where He proved to  be concerned about all that concerned me and brought out His talents in me by leading me to a piano where I wrote a few songs. Oh, the gift of music, where it can take us and what it can take out of us!

In the past few years I have found myself deep in prayer as I am trying to pay for rent and my bills. I have fought so hard to provide for myself and even a few others and as work dries up I can't help but have that fear once again that I might be on the street once again. 

It's all been rather eye opening. I started asking God: "Have I not been humble enough?" "Have I not helped other's enough?" Why must I struggle constantly in life? Why must the dams crack and bleed? Why must the levees fatigue and falter? This is the power of prayer it is as flexible as anything I know. I am trying to not stress so much and give it to the Lord more.

Believe it or not, my biggest prayer is not only for strength to get through these things but for peace to encompass me more than anything else out there. I need peace more than anything. Perhaps peace is strength? Perhaps we must pray to see the world in a different mindset. I just know that I am doing my best to give it to God. It won't be the first time and it won't be the last. Well speaking of prayer, it’s time to pray for all of you and even the next step that leads to new chapters in life, the kind that arrests our hearts and covers them with warmth and peace from the storm, the dam, and the levees.

Much love everyone,
                                        ~John Tam

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