Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

Cataracts, Frogs and the Spirit!
Romans 8:5 “For those who live according to the flesh, set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.”

Welcome to Wednesday’s Word and while it actually stands alone it is also a solution for Monday’s Mantra, which raised the question, how do I recognize I’m becoming like a frog in a pan of water? How do I not become immune to my falling short? Grab whatever you’re having for our break, and your Strand of Faith, and let’s go tie some knots together!

It was that time again, payday and pay day…meaning I got paid so it was time to pay. I pulled the bills I had mentally planned on paying down, and began deducting them from what I thought was a pretty good-sized paycheck. Within minutes, and I do mean minutes, I had spent it all but $86! How is it that it takes so long to earn and yet so quick to spend? Why does it feel as though the more I make, the more I spend? I’m too old to be on a budget, I wanted to scream!

My eyes welled up with frustration, and ever so quietly, a question surfaced: shouldn’t I be grateful? I really do have a lot to be thankful for and so I began to talk myself up and off the ledge that was threatening to grab me and throw me down into a pit of depression.  I don’t know about you, but I often have to have these conversations in my head to talk some sense into myself! J And, no, I don’t answer myself!

I wish I could say my thoughts didn’t return to this frustration of finances, but I’d be lying!  Each time the thought began to go down Frustration Alley, I quickly reminded myself that He’s carried me thus far. A perfect example is the past two years wherein my husband’s ability to work was taken away because of a covenant not to compete, but guess what? We made it! And I’m certainly not starving; nor have I gone without anything I needed, and many times He’s given me things I just wanted! I have learned to be good with much and content with little. His intent for me is to prosper me, not pamper me, and many times that prospering means spiritually not financially! And please don’t misunderstand me; He doesn’t smile upon poverty at all; He’s just more concerned about our character than our comfort

Oh, how I was reminded of these very truths as I pulled out my scripture cards to feast upon while driving to work the next day. The freeway was its usual parking lot in many spots and instead of getting all worked up I chose to get versed up! The very first verse hit me like a baptism of conviction and inspiration all at the same time: “For those who live according to the flesh, set their minds on the things of the flesh; but those who live (emphasis added) according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit”!

If I’m feeding my flesh, in other words, an attitude of discontent, then my mind is not set on anything that has eternal value! If I continue to make choices without consulting my Guide, my Map Maker, my Provider, my Protector, then I am not living according to the Spirit. If I begin my day without any conscious thought to my spiritual diet, then I am not living that day according to the Spirit. When we are in balance spiritually, life can’t tip us over into that pot of boiling water and we can see all the colors of life with so much more clarity! The only type of frog I want to be is one Fully Relying On God!
Hopping into my day….


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