Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday’s Mantra

Cataracts, Frogs and Sins!

Welcome to Monday’s Mantra & Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Trench Classes United. I’m so glad you could join me today! Grab whatever you’re having for our break and your strand of faith. I can’t wait to share with you how this blog came to be.

Last week, one of my besties and I were taking a run on our trail close to home and getting caught up with each other’s lives. She shared that one of her relatives was scheduled for cataract surgery. “That’s kind of scary,” I replied, thinking about my own fears when my adopted mom had to have it done last year at the age of 86!

“No, not really,” she countered, “because Barbara just had it done and she said she can’t believe how much color she sees now.”

Her statement collided with my recollection of mom’s experience. “You’re right. I remember Mom saying how she couldn’t believe how she didn’t realize how much of life’s colors she had been missing.” Well that led us into a great discussion as we continued up our last long hill before ending our run. We talked about how we become immune to things, good and not-so-good and then we ran in silence for just a minute when all of a sudden, we looked to each other and at the same time said “Just like sin!”

I’ll tell you, the adrenalin from being on the same wave length carried us up the rest of that hill as we shared experiences past wherein we had become numb and immune to our missing the mark, and how grateful we both were and are for His grace that has opened our eyes. “It’s like the frog in the pot,” she said. “Have you ever heard about that one?”

“Oh, Mylanta, one of my transformers just brought that up last week in class as we were doing our root removal. Is that the one where the frog’s put in cold water and it gets warmer and warmer and warmer and before he realizes what happens, he’s boiled to death?”
“Yes, that’s the one!”

 “Yeah, one of my leaders brought that up when I was talking about ignoring our emotional dash boards by not acknowledging our feelings, and the emotional wrecks that causes without us even realizing it. I always have to emphasize over and over with the Transformers that to acknowledge feelings doesn’t mean we get stuck in them, but it sure saves us from a lot of heartache.” 

We finished our run on the same page, both of us stronger in our faith, realizing how we too were like the frog in the pot. See, sin sneaks in and before we know it, we are dying in it! How do we avoid being boiled to death, or condemned to a life without Abba? How do we avoid immunity to the not-so-good things in life?

Join me Wednesday for the answer!
Perplexed and excited about life’s lessons,


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