Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wednesday’s Word

Enjoy the Ride!
Your 2017 ride has quickly come to an end, and 2018 has already begun.
Please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened; let’s prepare to have some fun
As we move slowly though quickly into the 2018 track,
We are headed forward and learning from looking back
Thanks for joining me for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word with Trench Classes United. Grab your coffee and come join me for some instructions for the ride ahead into the New Year, a few of which are accompanied with scripture references.
As we creep up the track in the first month here are some things to do before we reach the top, the end of January, and the ride begins picking up speed, as it always does:
·       Let go of bitterness and resentment. (Ephesians 4:31-32)
·       Leave past failures behind and take only what you learned from them with you. [Isaiah43:19]
·       Drop negativity in the trashcan to your right. And if you didn’t quite get rid of it all, no worries; there will be another trashcan on your left just ahead.
·       Old hurts, habits and/or hang-ups. For some of you, you only need to resolve to dump an old habit or hurt or hang-up and it will be gone. There will be a dumpster up ahead to throw it in. Remember every time the enemy gets you thinking about it ask God to change your thoughts…and trust me when I say HE will! For those of you who will require more work than just “letting it go,” we will be exploring that in the new ride.
·       Any doctrine that doesn’t line up with His love letters has got to go. If you still have questions, there will be a few tracks up ahead to explore the truths and learn how to apply them to your life in the journey ahead.
·       Let go of that attitude of poverty and throw it in the burning bush just ahead. His monetary and non-monetary blessings await you in and through every new circumstance you will encounter on our ride in the New Year.
Some things you will want to take with you as you enter this new ride:
·       Faith; it only needs to be the size of a mustard seed, but remember, that means “pure” faith with no mixed doctrine!
·       2017’s greatest memories. [Philippians 4:8]
·       Any valuable lessons you learned from your previous rides/years.
·       Your favorite life verse, and if you don’t have one yet, get one before entering. Ask a friend for help or just open up “the Book!”
·       Resolve realistically. Don’t make resolutions you have no intention on keeping but when you resolve – which is to partner with the Holy Spirit—you will succeed in all you endeavor on this ride through 2018.
·       An attitude of gratitude- it will take you up the impending hills of the new ride.
·       Kindness- you will need this for the strangers you will meet as well as for the people who are unkind.[Ephesians 4:32]
·       Peace is essential and cannot be found on the side of the track but it is within you as you take time to sit and be still in the ride.
·       Joy-though it may tend to get a bit buried with the upcoming twists and turns in the New Year, just remember to stir it up with one of His promises and/or your life verse.
·       Grace-there will be many people in this ride with you that will need your unmerited favor, just as it has been given to you. There will be grace stations along the way to replenish. [2nd Corinthians 12:9]
·       Love-this is the greatest and most important virtue to bring with you as we begin the ride into the New Year for to love others is to have accepted His gift of love and grace to you. [1st Corinthians 13]
Fasten your seat-belts, friends . . . Here we go!
Love and laughter,


P.S. may I challenge you to look up some scriptures to confirm these things to let go of and to bring in the year ahead?  Just look for key words or phrases and ask Google to help you find scriptures pertaining to that word or phrase. Have fun!

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