Friday, August 24, 2018

When feeling overwhelmed, get under the shelter of His love.

 Faith-filled Friday

James 1:12 (NLT): 12 God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

Ah, patiently enduring testing…what does that even look like? Welcome to Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Faith-filled Friday with Trench Classes United. Come on in for a picture of patiently enduring…
Suffering well and with a thankful heart, this is easier said than done. Last week, I found myself completely overwhelmed. I had been suppressing my workload; however, I wasn't aware that I was doing this.  A few mornings later, it all came gushing out with babbling tears. I was a complete mess.
Immediately I realized my plate was too full. I began to seek the Lord with this question: What load could I take off my plate? "Lord show me your way," I cried. 
I went to church the next day, and the message was on suffering well. Some may say a coincidence, I say not!  The message got me to thinking: Jesus suffered the greatest of all, and He suffered well. He knew His purpose on this earth was to solely spread Gods love.  He could have chosen not to suffer, but He loved us so that he paid the highest price so that when we suffer, He could be there to hold our hand and pour His love out on us, even if the suffering is at times self-inflicted.
 I pray that I could suffer as well as He did; that during times of trials and tribulations I'd remember to seek His face and to be thankful that He is right beside me every step of the way.  
 Each trail builds us into stronger warriors for Jesus, so that we will be able to sympathize, encourage, and love on someone else who is going through a trail we have already endured.
Oh, and by the way, it was revealed to me what thing I needed to take off my plate. God does hear, listen and answer!
Take courage Coffee Hour friends; He is with us. Let us remember to count our blessings every step of the way.

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