Friday, August 3, 2018

When you look in the mirror what do you see?

 Faith Filled Friday

Good Morning Coffee hour friends. Today we will be talking about resembling Jesus. What a blessing it is that we are able to strive for this every day. We will be looking at Melchizedek and how He was said to resemble Jesus.

I love reading about prophets like Melchizedek, a man, yet he resembled our precious Savior. What hope we have when diving into God’s word and anchoring our hearts so that we can aspire to be like Melchizedek, a man who lived and died resembling Christ. 

Psalm 110:4  (NLT) says: The Lord has taken an oath and will not break his vow: “You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.”
Could you imagine begin compared to Jesus as Melchizedek? Though we don't know all about his life, we do know that he was king of the city of Salem and a priest of God most high. 
Hebrews 7:15-21 tells us what the Bible says about how and why Melchizedek resembles Jesus and I encourage you to read it.
This Coffee Hour, I’d like to encourage you in the journey of resembling Jesus, which is easier when we journey with our Prince of Peace. Remember that Satan is sure to point out our every flaw in the journey, just like he did to the people in the Old Testament when they broke the law that was impossible to keep. God knew that man could not keep this Old Testament law which was put in place to help us see our need for a Savior. He knew we needed rescuing and He set His plan in motion to send His perfect Son to free us from ourselves. Jesus came as a babe and grew in our destructive world, and He suffered every type of suffering, yet He never sinned. 
Each day we fall short of the resemblance of God. Oh, how I am thankful that we are able to come before Jesus and be washed clean every day and start again. Praise Jesus for He is Mighty to save. Pray this prayer with me:
Heavenly Father, 
 Help us to remember your old law and to use it as a guide to be more and more like you each day. Thank you for freeing us from our sinful ways. We praise you, our God Most High. Fill us afresh with a new Spirit and forgive us, Lord, of all of our sins. Continue to do a great work on and in our hearts that would fill us with more of you and less of us. Oh, how we love you and praise you. For it’s in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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