Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Wednesday’s Word

No Expiration Date!

Happy Wednesday and thanks for joining us for Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power and Wednesday’s Word @ Trench Classes United. I just love diving into His Principles and Promises for us and finding new truths that illuminate hope, wisdom and joy for the journey. Grab your coffee and come on in. Oh, and don’t forget your Strand of Faith as I am praying that the truths shared today will tie a few knots in your faith!

Have you ever gone through your coupons to prepare to go grocery shopping or any shopping for that matter and found coupons that you needed, gotten excited because you found them where you put them, only to look at the expiration date…that just passed? I think that’s why I don’t collect coupons and go through all of that, because not only is it time consuming but it can be really disappointing to keep running into expired coupons. I have literally hit myself in the head too many times over this. Or how about that gift certificate that you tucked away for a rainy day when you really need it? You pull it out, make your plans and suddenly the date glares at you as if to scream EXPIRED! Yeah, I’ve done that too!

I was thinking the other day how incredibly inspired I get when a promise from His love letters to us comes to pass in my life, a promise from a book written over 2000 years ago, with no expiration date!  For example, when I read the promise in Joel2:25 that says He will restore what the locusts have stolen, I realized years ago that that means He will give back what the enemy tries to steal, for example, the enemy does his absolute best to destroy family, and though my own childhood family has not been restored, He’s blessed me with in-laws whom I love so much now. How about that wayward child who tries their best to self-destruct and go down the wrong path? Oh, friend, I’ve seen Him restore that, too, and the time that I lost may be gone but He has blessed me with so many other moments that took my breath away and filled my heart so much I thought I would burst!

And how about the several promises that talk about His protection and provision; have you ever looked back to count the ways He’s protected and provided?  What if we were to live like we believed in His promises for us?

Well, recently I have been feeling like I’m floundering, not sure of what I’m supposed to be doing, let alone when and where. There are just so many things up in the air, so many things on hold, and it’s a strange time in my life. Have you ever felt like that?  Well, in a recent coffee hour with Abba, this particular promise – which I’ve read so many times, and it’s even one of my memory verses – hit me with a fresh wave of assurance, encouragement, and a strength to continue to withstand the storms that continue to come in the weather of life. 
There was just a new meaning for me this time, and that’s what I love about His promises and principles that are definitely alive! They speak t o us right where we are in a way that we need it in that moment and this also adds to the truth of 
His love for us. Romans 8:38-39 says:
38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

So the words I put in bold are what seemed to work as a hand that lifted both my chin and countenance where it belonged: To a loving Father whose love cannot be stopped, not by anything happening in my now, and certainly not anything to come my way. So no matter what happens, Coffee Hour friend, isn’t it comforting that His love will not only bring us to it, but bring us through it? Oh, to ride the wave of His love through the storms of life!



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