Friday, March 2, 2018

Jesus is in love with you!

Happy Friday, Beloveds! Thank you in advance for faithfully joining me each Friday for Coffee Hour with Chicklit Power and Faith Filled Friday with Trench Classes United.
Time with the Lord is so very important to me. If I don’t start my day with Him I find my days long and my patience short. All in all, my day just isn’t great. I start my days out pretty early in the morning and I have found that I am waking up before my alarm, but finding it hard to get up and turn the light on, pour a cup of coffee and begin my time with my Abba. I have found myself missing my time with my Abba because my tempter sleep has gotten the best of me. Deep time with the Lord, this is what my heart craves deeply. Yet, I find myself dozing off on the couch then taking the precious time He has woken me up for.
Coffee hour friend are you finding yourself in this rut that I am finding myself in?
Can I encourage you as I the Lord has encouraged me? He reminded me of this song and I’d like to share a small piece of it with you.

What can I do for You
What can I bring to You
What kind of song would
You like me to sing
'Cause I'll dance a
Dance for You
Pour out my love for You
What can I do for You
Beautiful King

Then I hear You say
You don't have to do a thing
Simply be with me and
Let those things go
They can wait another minute
Wait this moment
Is too sweet
Please stay here with me
And love on Me a little longer
'Cause I'm in love with you
You see He just wants us to sit with Him. He loves us so much, He asks for nothing but our time. Yet, this seems at times a task too grand, but is it? Oh I encourage you to turn on some praise and worship music and sit at His feet and just praise Him. He just wants our undivided attention. Come, Coffee Hour Friends, let’s sit and  praise our King Jesus just as Martha chose to do.
Luke 10:42: 41“Martha, Martha,” the Lord replied, “you are worried and upset about many things. 42But only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Jesus, thank you for your unfailing love and patience with us, as we fall short every day.. Forgive us Lord, for putting us first. Lord, put our priorities in order. Lord, when you call us to a quiet place with You, help us to hear that we would take the time to stop and sit with you. Thank you for all You've done and continue to do for us. I pray that each day we would grow deeper and closer to You than we were the day before. Build us up to be willing vessels for You for whatever You call us to. Lord let us have ears to hear You. Help us, Oh Lord, to stay on the path you have called us too. We love You and dedicate ourselves and our time to You.

In Jesus' Mighty Name Amen


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