Monday, October 8, 2012

Nana Holds From Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Thanks so much for stopping by today for a little break. I’m really happy you could. Grab your coffee and come on in and get comfy while I open my heart and share more of this series which is transforming all of us who love Bryden. Despite the unspoken chaos, the breaking of many unspoken rules and my emotional feet getting clumsier and clumsier, I was beginning to learn how to have fun with Bryden. I've never seen a child wash his hands so well until Bryden! He's quite the hand-washer.
I’ve already mentioned that bath time was a favorite time of mine because I played like a child with him, splashing water and tossing toys with him before getting him all cleaned up. So my bath time role was Nanna, then Mama.
And of course, after his bath, it was time to brush his teeth – speaking of which, it’s been so long since I brushed my own son’s teeth, I forgot about the no fluoride thing. Holy moly, I could have really hurt him if I had innocently said, Oh, let’s use Nana’s toothpaste! Ugh, ignorance is not bliss! Anyway, I taught him how to open up wide and say “ah” so I could get in the back, both upper and lower. Now the routine goes something like this: “Say ahh.” Bryden: Uhh. Nana: Oh no, I can see some beans in your teeth. Hurry and open wide so I can get them out of there. Bingo! It worked and still works. Now he really lets me get in there.
And then I say: Say “eeeee.” Well, that’s no problem; it’s almost like saying “cheeeese” and he’s a ham for the camera! And then last but not least, I’d say, “Now give me your tongue,” and he thought that was really funny, so we’d brush his tongue a few times, and the toothpaste was swallowed by his giggles.
Play Time!
The more consistently we did that, the more I was able to extend that playtime outside of the bath time. Like his favorite way to come downstairs is on my back, so we had our little routine of coming downstairs after bath time and me taking him around the house for a piggy-back ride that pressed his giggle button. Those giggles were not just music to my ears but began to melt my heart in ways I didn’t know needed melting.

Giddy-up Nana!
Hide-N-Seek was another favorite of both of ours back in those early months and helped to break down some walls to begin forming a bond. I’d tell him to go hide, and then when I’d find him, we would both break out in a fit of screaming giggles, and then he’d say, “Your turn.” And off I’d go to hide behind a door, practically putting my hand over my mouth to keep him from hearing me break out in a fit of laughter as I watched him set out to go find me! Talk about stinking cute! Oh, how thankful I am for those moments that soothed the unspoken pain and frustration of the other issues. I know, looking back on it now, that the way I was loving his son, our grandson, was speaking volumes of love into his daddy’s heart.
Join me Wednesday for more of Nana Holds.

P.S. Don't forget to join us on Blog Talk Radio today for more of Breaking Free from Co-Dependency!

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