Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29th, 2013

Nana Holds from Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power

Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power...
Coffee Hour @ Chicklit Power…
EL pen Logo with heart
Thanks for joining me for more of Nana Holds and all the relevant revelations He’s revealed along the journey with little Bryden, who is now getting so big! Time’s a flying, so let’s get our coffee and come on in.
So we are still in the midst of discovering if we have any of the symptoms of this relationship infection and if so, how many. As I mentioned, there are several categories, two of which we have completed. The next one is “Despair,” so let’s get to it. “Do you feel hopeless about changing the current situation?” My answer then, at the event, and my answer now is sometimes yes; sometimes no. Let me explain.
When Bryden first moved in, I kept telling myself it was only temporary; this is just a temporary sacrifice. But when his daddy made his choices that took him away, I realized in the depths of my soul that this was more than a temporary sacrifice. This was a major Master’s Program and I had better start showing up to class with all I am. As I share this with you, and I search my heart about the future, I can’t feel helpless but I am over trying to figure Him out so I have surrendered to Him in all my current situations. It’s sort of like being in the theatre watching a suspense movie; I think I have an idea how it’s all going to end, but can’t guarantee because people’s choices are involved but He is on the throne of my life. What about you; is there a current situation that you feel hopeless about?
“Do you tend to be pessimistic about the world in general?” Wow, this is a relevant question, especially considering how our world keeps sliding toward that slippery slope of immorality. Seriously, all of us know a Negative Nellie, one who seems to find the negative side in all things. We could spend hours on all the reasons why, but suffice it to say, when Negative Nellie goes to a restaurant, she is ushered to her table like this: Bitter, your table is ready. Bitter, party of 1, your table is ready. See, life is full of trials, circumstances that turn up the heat to enhance the refining process that we may become more Christ like. I’d have to answer that question the same way I did on the day of our event: Though depression threatened to overwhelm me many times, I did not and do not remain pessimistic.
If you answered yes to that question, please email me and let’s have our own coffee hour and talk about ways to overcome that pessimism.
“Do you have a sense of low self-worth or failure that does not reflect your skills and accomplishments?”
Transparency brings clarity and my answer then was yes! I have struggled all my life to see myself as Christ does. He has used many things and many people to reflect His love to me, to be that mirror reflecting how He sees me. It’s taken me a long time to get where I am and as I look back to all the faces of love, the cutest one staring me in the face is the loving face of little Bryden.
Since the event, I have come to a better awareness of my self-worth, from His perspective. I love His gentle ways that have taught me to appreciate the skills and accomplishments He has brought me to and through. What about you; if you were to rate your self-worth on a scale of zero to ten, zero being low, ten being high, where would you be on that scale?
I’ll let you go for now. Join me tomorrow for more of Nana Holds.
Nana Holds!
Nana Holds!
P.S. Don’t forget to join us on the air today at for our talk show on Co-Dependency, that relationship infection, and how to break free from it.
p.s.s. I’d love it if you would stop by my new website and sign my guest book! Since CPM is not a nonprofit, I had to get my own site. Please, come by and let me know you did. Keep your sound up; you’ll b in for a real treat!
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